Revamp ailing NAC || 2016

8:01 PM

We can be sure that the NAC does not have institutional capacity to operate its business due to corruption, uncooperative attitude among the high level staffers, political intervention and delay in making decisions on purchase of spare parts or failure to conduct complete check of all aircraft on time. Above all, Nepal’s airlines are not reliable as far as their air safety is concerned as the European Union has imposed a ban on flying any Nepali aircraft into its air space. We always harp on tourism potential in Nepal because of her uniqueness, wilderness and high Himalayas. But the question is that we cannot tap the huge potential when we cannot even carry out timely maintenance of the aircraft that we have. Most of the tourists come to Nepal via air. But the national flag carrier is always grounded for no reason. How can we boost the tourism sector when we have not been able to operate all aircraft on major destinations, including Europe? The NAC will be consigned into history if it fails to improve its institutional capacity and financial health by expanding its operation to major destinations of Europe and Asia. - 

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