
5:16 AM

The university was established with the following objectives:
To prepare capable human resources required for the overall development of Nepal
To impart standard higher education
To protect and develop national culture and tradition
To involve in extensive, empirical and timely creation of knowledge and research in the fields of arts, science, technology and vocation
TU Senate
It is the supreme decision-making body on policies, budget, and rules and regulations for running the university. It consists of 52 members.
Councils of TUThere are 4 councils constituted as major decision-making bodies of the university.
Executive Council
Executing the decisions of the University Assembly, making decisions on grants, giving affiliation to private campuses, and appointing the university officials are its major functions. It consists of 7 members.
Academic Council
The academic council makes decisions on educational policies and practices regarding curricula, teaching, examinations and research and comprises of 50 members.
Research Coordination Council
It formulates policies on TU research activities, approves guidelines for researchers and coordinates the functions of university level research organizations. The Research Division is the secretariat of the council. The council consist of 27 members.
Planning Council
The planning council performs an advisory role of preparing short and long-term plans, developing annual programmes and evaluating implementation programmes. It consists of 29 members.
Academic Programmes
In the 55th year of its establishment, the university family remains committed and dedicated to making the university a source and centre of quality education, setting up a culture of learning in the country and promoting the notion of national and global peace and harmony. This year, the Tribhuvan university has made a decision to start semester system at the Central Departments. All the departments, except the Central Department of Law, have already started first semester classes. This systemic change has been introduced to enforce an academic calendar, to make students full time students dedicated to their studies, to reduce financial burden on students and their parents by making the students complete the degree in time, to respond to the growing concern of the stakeholders about enhancing the academic quality of university education through academic rigour, to revitalize the fame, popularity, credibility and contribution of the university as the oldest centre of higher learning and the central and leading university of Nepal.

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